AITA/AITA Masterclasses
AITA/ITA plans to offer a series of online Masterclasses each one in a different language for the benefit of both AITA/IATA Members and those interested in amateur theatre. There will be a small charge for each event and a benefit of AITA/IATA Membership is the cost to Members will be a discount of 50% of the cost.
Upcoming Masterclasses

AITA/IATA Masterclass:
Les différentes phases de l’écriture théâtrale.
Le samedi 25 Janvier 2025 de 14 H.00 à 16H.00
Intervenant: Jean Paul Alègre , auteur dramatique dont les oeuvres sont traduites dans plusieurs pays dont le Japon.
Thème: “Les différentes phases de l’écriture théâtrale : le thème, les dialogues, les personnages, l’action dramatique “
Durée: 50 minutes d’exposé suivi de 40 minutes de questions et d’échanges.
Tarifs : 10,00 euros pour les adhérents / 20,00 euros pour les non adhérents.
Quelle histoire je veux raconter et sous quelle forme ? comment seront mes personnages, mes décors, mes lieux d’action ? quels seront les leviers dramatiques de ma pièce ? Autant de questions auxquelles Jean Paul Alègre donnera ses réponses en s’appuyant sur son expérience d’auteur dramatique joué et traduit dans près de quarante pays
Previous Masterclasses

AITA/AITA Masterclass
Intimacy in Theatre with Elodie Foray
held 21 April 2024
AITA/IATA offered the first in a series of Masterclasses on how to address and work with actors and directors on intimacy in the rehearsal room.
The fee to attend the event was €20. For AITA/AITA Members, there was a 50% discount using a code which was available from the secretariat and reduced the fee to €10.
This was the first AITA/IATA Masterclass to be offered to AITA/IATA Members and was in English. Within the next 12 months, it is planned to also offer a Masterclass in French, and one in Spanish.
Elodie Foray, from the Archway Theatre, in South London addressed the subject of Intimacy in Theatre. A trained practitioner she has gained practical experience of working with directors and cast members in a number of amateur theatres in the UK. President Aled Rhys-Jones introduced the event and Elodie spoke for around 40 minutes which was followed by a most interesting Q & A.
Intimacy Directing
Theatre can often feature various moments of intimacy between different characters. Clear, sensitive intimacy direction is essential to create a safe, secure environment for our performers, allowing them to thrive on stage.
Using a combination of physical exercises, open discussion and boundary-conscious choreography, Intimacy Directing aims to leave scene partners feeling more aligned, empowered and prepared for their performance.
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