Curtain Up!
The Kids are Back
Held on Sunday 5 March 2023
International Children’s and Youth Theatre Digital Conference
- What have we Learned?
- What more can be done?
- Giving the kids a voice..
Follow us on Facebook (@aitaiata) for more information!
Conference Recording
Are you looking for ways to improve and expand your educational theatre program or want new inspiration after the long struggles during the pandemic?
The AITA/IATA CYTheatre group put together a diverse and fascinating one-day online programme, via Zoom, for those interested or involved in theatre with children and young people.
A Diverse and Fascinating Programme
The program included international speakers like Fredyl Hernandez from the Philippines; Lilian Mbabazi from Uganda; Liliana Galvan from Peru; Galo Ivan Granda Sarmiento from Ecuador; and Shoaib-Iqbal from Pakistan.
Keynote speaker, Professor Gillian McNally the University of Northern Colorado spoke about the importance for children and youth to have the ability to work with theatre and her experience on working with theatre for the very young.
Edith Coen from Belgium, who is working on her Masters and interviewed amateur theatre organisations about the impact of COVID and other issues on their theatre’s young people and youth programmes, reported on her findings.

Surangi Kosala
Nurturing Creativity as a Right in Season and out of Season (EN)

Fredyl Hernandez
Nurturing Creativity as a Right in Season and out of Season (EN)

Lillian Mbabazi
Finding the Voice of the Young Person in Theatre for Young Audiences (EN)
Promotional Images
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